Spink County Makes Exciting Strides to Address Child Care Challenges
January 29, 2025
Determined to address a growing childcare crisis in Spink County, leaders from Grow Spink (GS) and Redfield Area Development Corporation, have banded together to come up with a solution. First up: securing a two-phase childcare grant from the South Dakota Governor's Office of Economic Development (GOED).
“After receiving word that Grow Spink was awarded the State Child Care Implementation Grant last spring, our organization knew plans for a childcare project would be attainable,” said GS Executive Director Gianna Schieffer. “Shortly after securing the grant, we purchased a building in Redfield for a new childcare center, began the legal process of forming an entity and started fundraising plans. Funds from the Implementation Grant went directly towards a majority of the furniture, equipment and supplies needed for the daycare center, which we currently have in storage until the building is ready. Without the assistance of the GOED State Childcare Planning and Implementation Grants, we would not be nearly as far in this process as we are today.”
The one-time funding opportunity, now closed, saw GOED partnering with the South Dakota Department of Social Services to offer two-phased funding to local communities to expand reliable, sustainable, quality childcare services. GS was awarded a $8,270 Planning Grant and a $245,000 Implementation Grant.
A New Wave of Excitement
Working families throughout Spink County have felt a new wave of excitement with the following developments and improvements planned for its childcare programs, including:
- A New Spink County Daycare Center: The daycare facility will be located in the former Wells Fargo Building in Redfield and will provide support to a maximum of 93 children aged infant to four years old.
- Supporting Existing Providers: Spink County has 13 daycares, primarily in-home. All typically operate at capacity, often with waitlists. GS hopes that the new daycare center will alleviate challenges the current providers in Spink County are experiencing.
- Enhancement of After-School Care: The new daycare facility has adequate space not only for daycare, but also for after-school care. Discussions about assisting the Redfield After-School Program are ongoing.
Community Collaboration
Support for the childcare project has been widespread: from residents to business owners, there’s a collaborative mindset with an eye on investing in the future.
“So far, we have held two large fundraising events. We held a dueling pianos event in September, which raised $16,000 and wrapped up our second fundraising event a few weeks ago. We partnered with Redfield Ford and did a raffle for a brand-new Mustang! We sold around 700 raffle tickets and raised $30,000,” said Schieffer.
Funds raised throughout the 2024 The Kids Campaign will go towards renovating the former Wells Fargo Building. Stay tuned for more project updates and fundraising events.
By fostering these exciting improvements, Grow Spink has laid the groundwork for a vibrant childcare ecosystem to support its working families and create a thriving community for all ages. Contact us here for more information!