Chapter 1.12 WARDS
1.12.020 Ward One: Area Defined
The area of ward one shall be all of the incorporated area north of Seventh Avenue and East of Main Street until 6th St E; then the area north of Sixth Avenue; and west of Eighth Street East. The area of ward one shall be all of the incorporated area north of Seventh Avenue and West of Main Street on Fifth Avenue to Third Street West; North of Fourth Avenue to Sixth Street West and South of Second Ave.
1.12.030 Ward Two: Area Defined
The area of ward two shall be all of the incorporated area west of First Street West and north of Commercial Lane until Fifth Avenue and west of Second Street West south of Commercial Lane.
1.12.040 Ward Three: Area Defined
The area of ward three shall be incorporated area north of Seventh Avenue between First Street West and Main Street until Fifth Avenue ; south of Seventh Avenue between First Street West and Third Street East north of Commercial Lane and South Lane; and east of Second Street West and west of First Street East south of Commercial Lane and South Lane until Fourteenth Avenue then east to Second Street East, south until Fifteenth Avenue then east to Third Street East, then south until Sixteenth Avenue.
1.12.050 Ward Four: Area Defined
The area of ward four shall be all of the incorporated area south of Seventh Avenue and east of Third Street East from Seventh Avenue to South Lane; east of First Street East from South Lane to Fourteenth Avenue east to Second Street East then South until Fifteenth Avenue then east to Third Street East, then south until Sixteenth Avenue; and north of Seventh Avenue east of Sixth Street East.
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