Spink County Transit Inc


"We offer a safe, clean
and non-discriminatory service"

Spink County Transit Inc provides rides to the elderly, disabled, school children and general public

8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Monday - Friday

Need a ride - call 472-1552



Golden Days Senior Center & Transit
Lisa Manning, Director
728 Main Street  
Redfield, SD 57469
(605) 472-1552   

If you have any questions or would like to schedule a pick-up, please call or stop at the office. There are no designated bus routes or route maps. To be added to an email information list send your request to Director, Lisa Manning, at lisaamanning@nvc.net


Paratransit Services are available to persons with disabilities at the rate of $2.00 per fare, and features curb-to-curb service.  

*Medicaid/Veteran’s rides available, must call in advance to arrange

*1-minivan equipped with ADA lift
*3-12 passenger buses, 1 with lift
*1-12 passenger Econoline van

Please indicate needs when scheduling service



  • Cost per ride is $2.00, one way or both ways
  • Transportation is provided for pre-school age children daily 
  • Our policy is a 24 hour advance notice to guarantee a ride in town. We will do our best to get you to your appointments on time if you will call in advance.
  • All riders must wear seatbelts.
  • Bus from Redfield to Aberdeen 1st Thursday of each month
  • Spink Co Transit is a Public Transportation. Anyone can ride.
  • Lift equipped buses for individuals with special needs.
  • Clients must provide own wheelchair - we do not transport empty wheelchairs.
  • All wheelchairs must be equipped with foot pedals.
  • We do not do any lifting - clients provide own assistance.
  • In case of bad weather, please listen to local radio stations for cancelations.


Participating in the annual 4th of July parade celebration in Redfield.


Bus Tickets Available:
20 Rides for $40
(Purchase at the Senior Center)


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