News Archive
News Articles

NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING FOR A VARIANCE APPLICATIONNotice is hereby given that the Redfield City Council will hold a public hearing on March 3, 2025 via teleconference and at City Hall at the regular City Council meeting, which convenes at 7:00 P.M. to consider a variance application for the property...

The nextCity Council Meetingis scheduled forWednesdayFeb. 19, 2025at 7:00 p.m.

Does your sweetheart seem underwhelmed by the same old box of chocolates on Valentine’s Day? Are you perpetually stuck in the doghouse for always forgetting to buy a gift?The Redfield Area Chamber of Commerce (RACC) is ready to help you earn some bonus points with your favorite person during our...

Determined to address a growing childcare crisis in Spink County, leaders from Grow Spink (GS) and Redfield Area Development Corporation, have banded together to come up with a solution. First up: securing a two-phase childcare grant from the South Dakota Governor's Office of Economic Development (GOED).“After receiving word that Grow...

The Membership Drive ends on March 31, 2025, but membership opportunities remain open year-round for individuals, non-profits, and businesses!The Redfield Area Chamber of Commerce is excited to announce its Membership Drive, inviting individuals, non-profits, and businesses to join a dynamic network that fosters economic growth and strengthens community ties. With...

Redfield Website Community Calendar
Jan 10 2025HAPPY 2025!! Did you know?? …….The City of Redfield’s website contains a Community Calendar!! Information on upcoming events and activities are posted from various civic organizations and businesses. The calendar is also open to the public to post events. We encourage residents to utilize the calendar as a resource to be...

Seasonal Positions Wanted - 2025
Dec 17 2024Seasonal Positions WantedThe City of Redfield is now accepting applications for the following summer seasonal positions: Pool Manager,Water Safety Instructor,Assistant Pool Manager,Lifeguards,Pool Front Desk/Concession Stand Workers,Concessions Manager, Recreation Assistants,Street Department Summer Maintenance Workers,Park Caretaker,Ball Diamond Caretaker Manager,Ball Diamond Caretaker,Flower Water Caretaker,Hav-a-rest Campground Host Applications and job descriptions may be picked up at...

Why Shop Local?Shopping local is more than just a catchphrase; it’s a movement that fosters economic vitality, strengthens community ties, and enhances the quality of life. Every dollar spent at a local business generates nearly three times the financial impact of shopping at a national chain. When you shop locally,...

NOTICE TO SNOWMOBILE OPERATORSORDINANCE WILL BE ENFORCEDNo person shall operate a snowmobile on the streets or alleys within the corporate limits of Redfield: At a speed greater than 15 mph Between the hours of 12:01 am and 7:00 am In any reckless way so as to endanger the person or property of another In...

NOTICE OF OBSTRUCTION ON STREETS According to City Code 12.04.010, “No person shall place, leave, or keep on any public street, road, alley, sidewalk, or other public ground in the city, any other article, substance or material which may obstruct the free use of the street, road, alley, sidewalk or public...

NOTICE OF LANDFILL CLOSING & WINTER HOURSRedfield City LandfillNOTICE is hereby given that the Redfield City Landfill will be closed beginningSaturday December 14, 2024 thru Friday, January 3, 2025. Winter hours will begin Saturday January 4, 2025. REDFIELD CITY WINTER LANDFILL HOURSEffective January 4, 2025Saturdays 9:00 AM – 5:00...

NOTICE2025 DOG & CAT LICENSES REQUIRED 2025 Dog and Cat License Tags are now available at City Hall. Tags are required to be purchased every year for all cats and dogs within the City of Redfield. Prove that the Animal has been vaccinated against rabies (Section 6.01.020) It shall be unlawful for...

The City of Redfield. is pleased to welcome Kim Leonhardt as the new Chamber/Tourism Director for Redfield, South Dakota. With over two decades of experience in tourism and hospitality, Kim is well-prepared to support the growth of Redfield and Spink County. She is passionate about fostering community connections and enhancing...

Oct 22 2024CITIZENS OF REDFIELDREMINDER TO TRIM TREESPursuant to Redfield Municipal Code 12.32.130: “The occupant of any private premises, or the owner of the same if not occupied, abutting on any public street, road or alley within the city, shall keep all trees standing upon such premises, or between the same and...

Redfield Public School: Embracing New Opportunities and Overcoming Challenges for a Successful School Year
Aug 30 2024As the school year kicks off, Redfield Public School is geared up to address post-pandemic challenges and seize new opportunities for student success. It is focusing on addressing post-pandemic challenges and enhancing educational opportunities. Dr. Michelle Mortensen, the school's superintendent, provides insight into the key initiatives and goals for the...

The Vital Role of Non-Profits in Rural CommunitiesIn rural communities like Redfield and across Spink County, non-profit organizations serve as lifelines, providing essential services that support residents' social, economic, and cultural well-being. They step in where resources are often limited, filling gaps and creating opportunities for growth, development, and community...